Leadership Development

Why Leadership Development is important

To addresses the growing complexity of modern business challenges, leadership development equips leaders with the skills to navigate change, inspire teams, and make strategic decisions, ensuring organizational resilience in a dynamic environment. Without such training, companies risk falling behind, lacking the leadership needed to drive innovation, adapt to market shifts, and sustain long-term success.

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What Leadership Development is

Leadership development is a systematic and strategic process designed to enhance the skills, abilities, and qualities of individuals in leadership positions within an organization. It involves various training programs, workshops, mentoring, and experiences aimed at improving leadership effectiveness, fostering a positive organizational culture, and preparing individuals for increased responsibilities. Leadership development encompasses a range of competencies such as communication, decision-making, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking, with the ultimate goal of cultivating capable and resilient leaders.

How can we help you?

Reach your potential & achieve the company’s desired goals

Leadership Development Approach

• Based on company culture & organization, we define trackable training objectives
• We design tailored learning journeys in co-creation with our clients
• We teach a mix of mindset, skills & knowledge
• We train best practices supported by big picture understanding and creative problem solving for complex situations
• All our trainers are active business practitioners

Training Formats

• We use various formats to ensure engaged participants and long-term retention
    ⇒ MBTI® & DISC assessments
    ⇒ Live trainings in-person, blended & online and digital self-learning opportunities
    ⇒ Experience-based formats (business simulations, gamification)
    ⇒ Pre-training knowledge nuggets (articles, videos & expert impulses)
    ⇒ Open formats (business coaching, peer-coaching, communities of practice, reflections & quizzes)
    ⇒ Conferences, townhalls, summits
    ⇒ Individual and team development

Our Leadership Development training topics

We help leaders drive transformation:

Change trainings/workshops to provide the needed mindset, skillset & toolset for a solid foundation & successful execution:

Leading myself

• Self-Assessments MBTI®/DISC/EQ
• Mindfulness
• Resilience
• Time management
• Setting priorities & goals
• Agile & growth mindset
• Work-life-balance

Leading in my environment

• Implementing company culture & leading with values
• Intercultural collaboration
• Virtual leadership
• Collaboration models, roles & responsibilities
• Process optimization

Leading individual people

• Performance management (assessing potential, setting individual goals, giving & receiving feedback, redirecting team members, year-end evaluation)
• Context-based leadership (directive & supportive leadership, 1:1 talks, coaching talks, delegation)
• Conflict & negotiation management

Leading teams

• Team dynamics & set-up
• Motivation & incentives
• Decision making, delegation, making unpopular decisions
• Meeting & workshop facilitation
• Business storytelling & drawing

Leading to performance

• Strategy development, break-down & communication
• Finance & budgeting
• Goal setting & tracking
• Portfolio & project management

Leading transformation

• VUCA & Ambidexterity (balancing efficiency & innovation)
• Agile innovation (Design Thinking)
• Agile execution (Kanban & Scrum)
• Managing individual changes & constant change
• Leading through uncertainty

Leadership Development use case

Case 1 - Leadership Development

Customer: German Luxury OEM

Industry: Automotive

Region: China

The client organization needed a high-quality training program for a large group of leadership candidates across multiple geographic locations. The goal was to prepare these candidates to take on greater responsibilities and drive changes within the organization.

We built leadership competence through the design and delivery of learning journeys for future leader candidates, focusing on:
• Designing a training concept that combines building mindset, knowledge, and skills required for leadership.
• Implementing a blended learning approach that incorporated both digital and offline learning, including business simulations and other gamification components.
• Utilizing reflective practices to ensure the application of learned content in real work situations.
• Provided observation and constructive feedback to participants to help them improve leadership capabilities along the journey. 

Established a steady pipeline of well-prepared leaders (over 250 people over a three-year period) who are ready to step into key roles, supporting the organization’s long-term strategic goals.

Case 2 - Leadership Coaching Program

Customer: German Luxury OEM

Industry: Automotive

Region: China

The client aimed to promote self-reflection among its mid to top-level managers to facilitate the creation and implementation of individualized development plans.

• Providing 1:1 consultation sessions to mid to top level managers to analyze and reflect on personal leadership survey results, and co-create personal development plans.
• Implementation of a 6-session situational coaching journey over half a year with these managers to facilitate reflection, explore options, and establish goals and actions.

Over a dozen leaders conducted personalized consultation and coaching, each  reicieved a tailored development plan that addressed their unique strengths and areas for improvement. 

Get in touch!

Mobile no.: +86 131 2017 2736
Email address: falk.hirdes@cpc-global.com

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